The medical drama series Greys Anatomy focuses on a group of young doctors at Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital, who began their careers at the facility as interns. One of the young doctors and the shows namesake, Meredith Grey, is the daughter of a famous surgeon. Grey struggles to maintain relationships with her colleagues, particularly the hospitals one-time chief of surgery, Richard Webber, due to a pre-existing relationship between them - Webber and Merediths mother had a personal relationship when Meredith was young. This collectible makes the perfect present for birthdays, house-warming parties, Christmas, graduation, and much more! Or just give it to the Greys Anatomy fan in your life to show your appreciation for them.
Number of Pieces: 1
Dimensions (Overall): 4.75 inches (H) x 3.25 inches (W)
Suggested Age: 6 Years and Up
Capacity (Volume): 16 ounces
Used For: Hot or Cold Beverages
Service For: 1
Material: Ceramic
Care Cleaning: Dishwasher-Safe on Top-Rack